Saturday, March 26, 2011

An Information for Coal Fired Power Plant

An information need to be read by the government officials whoa really wanted to have the Coal fired power plant here in Davao City, Philippines

Coal is a fossil fuel like oil and gas. Fossil fuels are all formed out of organic matter deposited, decomposed and compressed, storing all the carbon involved under the earth's surface for millions of years.
Some of the advantages of coal are -
  • Easily combustible, and produces high energy upon combustion helping in locomotion and in the generation of electricity and various other forms of energy;
  • Widely and easily distributed all over the world;
  • Comparatively inexpensive due to large reserves and easy accessibility
  • Good availability
  • Inexpensive
  • Very large amounts of electricity can be generated in one place using coal, fairly cheaply.
  • A fossil-fuelled power station can be built almost anywhere, so long as you can get large quantities of fuel to it. Most coal fired power stations have dedicated rail links to supply the coal.
However, the important issue as of now is whether there are more advantages than disadvantages of fossil fuels like coal!

Some disadvantages of coal are that -
  • * it is Nonrenewable and fast depleting;
  • high coal transportation costs, especially for countries with no coal resources and hence will require special harbours for coal import and storage.
  • Coal storage cost is high especially if required to have enough stock for few years to assure power production availability.
  • Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, that had been stored in the earth for millions of years, contributing to global warming.
  • It leaves behind harmful byproducts upon combustion, thereby causing a lot of pollution;
  • Mining of coal leads to irreversible damage to the adjoining environment;
  • Mining and burning of coal pollutes the environment, causes acid rain and ruins all living creature's lungs.
  • It will eventually run out.
  • It cannot be recycled.
  • Prices for all fossil fuels are rising, especially if the real cost of their carbon is included.
  • An average of 170 pounds of mercury is made by one coal plant every year. When 1/70 of a teaspoon of mercury is put in to a 50-acre lake it can make the fish unsafe to eat.
  • Coal power puts the lives of the people who dig the coal in danger, and it gives them poor lung quality.
  • Also, it ruins the natural habitats of animals.
  • A coal plant generates about 3,700,000 tons of carbon dioxide every year; this is one of the main causes of global warming.
  • A single coal plant creates 10,000 tons of sulfur dioxide, which causes acid rain that damages forests, lakes, and buildings.
  • When people dig for coal, they cut down many trees.
  • A coal plant also creates 720 tons of carbon monoxide; which causes headaches and place additional stress on people with heart disease.
  • A 500-megawatt coal- fired plant draws about 2.2 billion gallons of water from nearby bodies of water. This is enough water to support approximately 250,000 people.
  • Cultivating coal is a very dangerous job - many men and women die each year in coal mine related failures and accidents
Some people have said that coal power is good, because coal power is reliable and affordable. It may be reliable and affordable, but in the future the damage that coal power would cause, would be much more expressive.

Coal is cheap and abundant, with an estimate of over 300 years supply of economic coal deposits still accessible, which is why we are still using so much of it, despite the high levels of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions it produces.

(*Although there will be more coal in the future, it is a million year process of plant decomposition.)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Analysis of Role of Science in Decision Making

Science and values provide completely different guides to decision making. Values are emotional connections between individuals, whereas science is value-neutral. The scientific process attempts to minimize the influence of values, because they introduce biases into decisions. Scientists strive to be dispassionate observers to prevent personal values from influencing the decision making process. Many of the tenets of science—e.g., blinding of studies and the independent peer review process —are based on the concept of the dispassionate observer. There is a classification, therefore, between science and value driven decision-making. Most societal controversies that take place are based on differing values among individuals within the society. Science, on the other hand, is a deliberate, rational process.
Science-based decision-making strives to reach decisions based on scientific certainty. However, chaos theory, and other scientific theories predict there is no such thing as scientific certainty. Werner Heisenberg, one of the founders of quantum physics, suggests at the most fundamental level of nature, uncertainty always exists. Scientists strive to minimize this uncertainty, for example, by assuming full knowledge or certain outcomes, but these are abstractions and scientists recognize that in reality some degree of uncertainty remains.

WHAT is really Proper???

Most scientists agree that with few exceptions, genetically modified organisms ( GMO ) and human cloning is good but it raised many other issues—ethical, religious, moral, and animal welfare—to name a few. 

One of the well accepted definition of science is “the experimentally acquired knowledge of the objective laws that govern creation.”With this scientists are keep on doing, researching things that they think help the human being. But with regards to implementations/applications of their research studies it is subject to debate for it always brings many issues from different stakeholders of the society.

In order to resolve conflicts, and arrive at sustainable solutions, stakeholders must come together, discuss the issues, and find common ground. On different issues raised maybe our role as an individual is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of catering or accepting it in our lives. As the role of science is always ,to present to us the products of their efforts that may help or damage us.

Analysis of Environmental Impact created by Science and Technology

New and better technology is being introduced, by each passing day. In every field, new technology is introduced very frequently. This advancement of technology is beneficial, but also has unfavorable effects on the environment. If we consider advancement of technology in machines, it means more industrialization and poor effect on the environment. Advancement in weapons has also considerable effect on the environment. New technology means more production and more consumption like cars. 

First of all, we will discuss the effect of machines on environment. More and better machines mean that there would be more industrialization. No doubt industrialization is beneficial for the economy, and as well as for the people living in the country. Industrial enterprise would create pollution including; noise pollution, air pollution and water pollution. When there would be a better technology and industrialization then, many areas with natural beauty will be cut down, in order to establish industries, many trees will be cut and these cause massive destruction to our environment.

Improvement in technology will improve the production of weapons, and when these weapons will be tested and used; then also the environment will get polluted. Increased use of cars will increase the pollution and destruct the environment.

Improvement in technology has also led to pollution on children's mind. Media and the computers are the source of technology, and they have led in polluting the mind, and destroying the environment of studies. Children spend more time watching television or using computers, so less time for studies; and there will be no environment of studies left.

Technology also brings us closer to different fatal diseases and disorders due to the food that we usually eat and the quality of air that we breath. Yes, by means of technology human can easily find the remedies and cure of diseases but the thought is we became to much dependent with the technology.

To sum up, if we say that is technology beneficial? The answer would most likely be yes! But depends upon the people and government, that how they use the technology to maintain the balance in nature.

Issues in Biology

Suggesting Genes' Friends, Facebook-Style

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) (2011, March 24). Suggesting genes' friends, Facebook-style. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 26, 2011, from­ /releases/2011/03/110307065541.htm
Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the German Cancer Research Centre (DKFZ), both in Heidelberg, Germany, have developed a new method that uncovers the combined effects of genes. Published online in Nature Methods, it helps understand how different genes can amplify, cancel out or mask each others' effects, and enables scientists to suggest genes that interfere with each other in much the same manner that Facebook suggests friends
To realize the links between genetic make-up and traits like disease susceptibility, scientists now have been turning to genome-wide association studies, in which they compare genetic variants of people with a particular disease to those of healthy people.
In this study the scientists took a set of genes that are essential for cell signaling and, using a technique called RNA interference, silenced those genes two at a time, and compared the effect to what happens when you silence only one or the other member of each pair. In so doing, they were able to identify a new component in a cell-signaling process known as the Ras pathway, which is involved in cellular proliferation, and is known to go awry in tumor cells.
If two people have many friends in common on Facebook, the odds are that those two people know each other -- even if they themselves are not Facebook friends. Similarly, genes that have similar genetic interaction profiles are likely to influence each other's effects, and Huber, Boutros and colleagues can now suggest such 'friends' -- i.e. genes that are likely to affect the same cellular processes. In the long run, this could help predict patient outcomes and adapt treatments for diseases such as cancer.
A good NEWS … a good Application
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends and get updates of from billions of people across the globe.
With this site people of different races are being connected. Now, if we are going to adapt this breakthrough in the field of Molecular Biology then we can say it is really a good news for all of us. We are not just making Facebook as a site for social networking, but also a site for us to be connected with different people that have similar genetic interactions and if we are going to look into consideration our different linkages using our Facebook account in the long run then we can prevent and adapt treatments for diseases .
We just need to accept the reality if ever we find our own genetic structure susceptible to a particular disease. At least we can prepare ourselves for some protection of having such disease or we can anticipate the process of medication if ever.