Science and values provide completely different guides to decision making. Values are emotional connections between individuals, whereas science is value-neutral. The scientific process attempts to minimize the influence of values, because they introduce biases into decisions. Scientists strive to be dispassionate observers to prevent personal values from influencing the decision making process. Many of the tenets of science—e.g., blinding of studies and the independent peer review process —are based on the concept of the dispassionate observer. There is a classification, therefore, between science and value driven decision-making. Most societal controversies that take place are based on differing values among individuals within the society. Science, on the other hand, is a deliberate, rational process.
Science-based decision-making strives to reach decisions based on scientific certainty. However, chaos theory, and other scientific theories predict there is no such thing as scientific certainty. Werner Heisenberg, one of the founders of quantum physics, suggests at the most fundamental level of nature, uncertainty always exists. Scientists strive to minimize this uncertainty, for example, by assuming full knowledge or certain outcomes, but these are abstractions and scientists recognize that in reality some degree of uncertainty remains.
WHAT is really Proper???

One of the well accepted definition of science is “the experimentally acquired knowledge of the objective laws that govern creation.”With this scientists are keep on doing, researching things that they think help the human being. But with regards to implementations/applications of their research studies it is subject to debate for it always brings many issues from different stakeholders of the society.
In order to resolve conflicts, and arrive at sustainable solutions, stakeholders must come together, discuss the issues, and find common ground. On different issues raised maybe our role as an individual is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of catering or accepting it in our lives. As the role of science is always ,to present to us the products of their efforts that may help or damage us.
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